Starlinger intern, 2024/01 - Issue 36
ORGANISATION Projects on the topics of process management and HR management (training concepts, job descriptions, succession planning and employer branding) are currently ongoing. Other key topics are internal communication and information sharing as well as the implementation of our sustainability strategy. TECHNOLOGY Innovation forums have been set up for (r)PET big bags and for new AD*STAR ® bags. These forums are responsible for compiling, evaluating and working on new ideas, initiating systematic planning, and overseeing the implementation of approved projects. In addition, there are regular product group meetings relating to the areas of (r)PET, gripTEC and lamiTEC, which take place at least twice a year to define development tasks. The first meetings were held at the beginning of the year. AFTER-SALES SERVICE Work has already begun on optimising the structural and operational organisation, improving the article master and the associated processes, designing the online customer portal and optimising internal processes. PRODUCT RANGE Growth projects such as STPM, rPET tapes and PP*STAR ® have been defined and roadmaps drawn up. There are various other projects in the pipeline which, depending on their evaluation, will either not be started or be tackled in due course once the necessary resources are available. We will report on further progress in the December issue of Starlinger Intern.
On 12 February 2024, the first interim results of the strategic planning for the future direction of Starlinger’s textile packaging division were presented at the Glasalon in Neuhaus. The respective editors presented the findings and contributions from the areas of Operations, Sales Policy, Organisation, Technology, After-Sales Service and Product Range to the representatives of the individual departments. Some of the projects approved in winter 2023/24 are already underway: SALES POLICY In this area, Starlinger Market Intelligence (SMI) has been launched. The SMI team collates various market data relating to the woven plastic packaging sector and makes it available to the sales team. Starlinger also pursues a two-brand strategy in sales. This is primarily intended to appeal to new, price-sensitive customers. At our plant in India (STP Machinery Ltd. India – more on this on page 7), a separate, technically simplified version of our starEX tape extrusion lines will be produced and sold under the STPM brand. Due to the lower material and production costs in India, we can use this extrusion line to expand our machine portfolio in countries where our extrusion systems manufactured in Austria would be too expensive, gain market share and then sell additional machines from Austria on that market. In addition, targeted PR campaigns are being used to improve the image of plastic, and woven plastic packaging in particular. Not all plastic products are bad – some ensure that waste of resources in other areas, such as food, is significantly reduced. With the “circular packaging” concept, Starlinger wants to ensure that attention is paid to making woven plastic packaging suitable for recycling as early as the packaging design stage and that used packaging is not perceived as waste but as a raw material for something new: In other words, “old” plastic instead of plastic waste.
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